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Visit our Store


We've recently launched our Online Store, when you get a chance check out our products! All of our product decisions are based on safety concerns in warehouse and factory environments. Including Rack Safety, Facility Safety, and coming soon: Equipment, & Material Handling!

We're so excited to begin offering equipment like Floor Scrubbers & Scissor lifts, as well as Pallet Jacks, Carts, and Bins! We'll introduce these items in the near future. We have so many wonderful vendor relationships, who have been gracious enough to let us represent them in our Store.

In case you didn't know, this little guy was the start of it all. The J-Pin: Small, and hard to find! Well, we found 'em, and found them aplenty. We're currently sitting on Thousands of them!! So if you're in the market you'll find them here, in packs of 50. Why 50? Because I enjoy using my new impulse sealer and 6 mill bags. And because packaging a single J-Pin costs more than the value it represents.

BTW, if you're confused by the company names, me too! Coleman Service & Supply, LLC is the parent company of City Industrial, Corp. Coleman is the Brand, City keeps the books. It's a nice arrangement so far!

And until we part ways until the next blog post, I have a gig tonight. I'm playing in support of a growing Country Artist. And yes, if you spotted it, I graduated from the University of Georgia in '03. Go Dawgs!

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